Wednesday, December 7, 2011

First ER Trip

Well, after 7 1/2 years we finally had our first ER visit due to injury.  Last Monday Benjamin fell into a shelf at daycare and bit thru his bottom lip.  Well, I should say nearly bit thru.  The pressure from him nearly biting thru caused the skin on the outside of his lip to split - resulting in a jagged wound.  The doctor gave me the option of not stitching it and risking a scar, or giving him 3 stitches and little to no scar.  I opted for the stitches.  Call me selfish, but I want my identical twins to remain identical for as long as possible.  Besides, he had them removed on Friday and already you can't see a scar.  I think I made the right choice.  :)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

I Don't Know How You Do It With Your Hands Full

Going out in public with all the kids has become such an annoying task that lately I've tried to avoid doing so.  And it's not because of the kids.  It's because of the random people who feel the need to stop me in every aisle of the grocery store or wherever I happen to be.  Either they are commenting on the twins and asking questions that I've heard a thousand times ("Are they twins?" "Are they identical?"), or they comment on how many kids I have ("Are they all yours?" "You sure have your hands full." "I don't know how you do it.").  I've even had a few people ask if Izzy and the boys are triplets!  They're 2 years apart!  It's gotten to the point where a relatively quick trip to the store can take an hour.  This is ridiculous.  Clearly I'm a busy person with all these kids.  There's no need to slow me down with silly comments.

As far as the comments, there's no need to ask if the boys are twins or if they are identical.  If you can't tell without asking then you're dumb and blind.  Of course they're twins!  And of course they're identical!  Look at them!

And the comments about how many kids I have are not necessary, either.  Just because a majority of families feel that having 1 or 2 kids is sufficient doesn't mean that everyone else has to follow along.  And saying that my "hands are full" or "I don't know how you do it" is just plain stupid.  How did you raise your kids?  Taking care of 4-5 is no different than taking care of 1 or 2.  And as far as having my hands full, I'd rather have my hands full with kids than grow old and lonely.

So next time you see me or any other mother with all her kids in public don't bother with the comments.  Just smile and continue on your way.  And if you really feel the need to say something, say something encouraging.